
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Route number - 59

Thanks to the free supply of "The speaking tree" every Sunday (we refused to pay for it and our newspaper delivery guy forcefully supplies it every Sunday), I came across an enlightening thought
"God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth, so that we talk less and listen more" 

This then led to the conscious decision to listen more, and by no means talk less.:) As my good friend, (referring to him here as, Glibomaniac) once said something like 'Chop, clip, and cut the thoughts/quotes to suit your self' :) 
The process involved listening intently to knowledgeable living beings. Since I spend nearly 70% of my time in office, knowledgeable mortals are hard to come by. (Disclaimer - No offense).  But like our beloved Ranchchod Das ShyamalDas Chanchad said.. "Chaaron taraf gyaan bat raha hai, jahan se bhi mile, samet lo" 
I solemnly swear that this was the only reason that I began to listen and not just hear Mr. Glibomaniac's words. 

Now, who is Glibomaniac? My newest friend, my newest guru, my newest enemy. 
Glibomaniac might seem rough, crude and an unlikely friend at first, but you shall be pleasantly surprised when you get to know him. Surprised why? Because, though he speaks faster than a normal human brain can process the words, he chooses the right words, yet so effortlessly. The words then do their magic. I have witnessed them live. Right from clipping someone's blown up ego to making new-comers feel at home. His knowledge db is so vast and varied that every hour spent in the cab (route no.59) arguing with him is unpredictable and fresh. The earlier monotonously boring journey has turned into a roller coaster ride of new learnings. I have learnt the art of snubbing 'thinking-highly-of-themselves-managers" to involving drivers and silently watching spectators in our conversations. 

Hope this journey never ends! 

Listing the stages: 
Stage 1: The thought
Stage 2: The decision
Stage 3: The process
Stage 4: Journey with the Learnings 


-Nandi (scixelsyd etinu) said...

Nice, I think this is a very well-written, well-thought off blog! Maybe your best, as the protagonist is a Brillinat mind in action! You are making me think differently about you now- don't jump to conclusions- from "below average" to "On target +" accordning to the official organizational jargon!

VS said...

Yes Nandi. The protagonist sure is a mind in action, not too sure about the brilliant part. :)
And exceeding expectations is something I am good at :)